
Zum Wochenstart möchten wir kurz auf einen Call for Papers zum Thema “Resacralisation and desacralisation of urban spaces: Transforming sacred places in Poland and Germany” hinweisen:

The  concept  of  the  volume  is  to  present  how  –  in  different  contexts  –  “new”  sacred  places function in an already mapped sacred urban geographies. We would like to bring urban sociology and sociology of religion closer together to answer the questions about the comparative perspective of the social process of resacralisation. What is then the role of religious minorities in Poland and Germany (with special focus on Islam in this process)? What is the nature of the new sacred spaces in contemporary cities – are they only connected to minority religions?

Mehr Informationen finden sich im gesamten Call for Papers. Einreichungsfrist ist der 05. Dezember 2015, für Fragen steht Dr. Maciej Kowalewski (University of Szczecin) zu Verfügung.